Dual Tandem Double Decked Shale Shaker Delivery

May - 12

Dual Tandem Double Decked Shale Shaker Delivery

Customized dual tandem double decked shale shaker

Dual tandem double decked shale shaker was just delivered last week.The shakers were specially designed for the clients. Our client is a drilling contractor holding different size drilling rig. They were introduced by our regular customers who have purchased our shakers. They said our shakers perform very well and get better filtration result than others shaker they used before.This is their initial order as a try, later they will place repeat order on the other 5 sets shaker and mud cleaner.

What is the specifications of the dual tandem shale shaker

The shale shakers are developed from Hunter-MG4 shaker. There are totally 16 panels screen. Each single set shaker is fit with 8 panels composite frame screen.On the lower panel, there are 20 mesh screens, the upper deck is fit with 60 mesh screen.  Actually, clients request double decks for the better dry discharge.

Shaker screensfor this dual tandem double decked shaker are composite framed. They are interchangeable with OEM Mongoose series screen. They are more durable and reliable compared with the steel framed ones. Client has received the shaker and expressed their appreciation on our shakers. The general comments to us is higher than to their previous supplier

Besides shaker, we configured the flow divider for client’s convenient use. The dual tandem double decked shaker will definitely provide an excellent performance to user. Large flow rate, stable performance and high efficiency under the high vibration strength

Any demand of dual tandem shale shaker?

We are able to produce dual tandem shaker, the triple tandem shaker, and the combination of shaker and mud cleaner.

Do you need more details? Please contact AIPU solids control freely.