Hi-G Drying Shaker Is Specific Shaker Used In Drilling Waste Management

Oct - 09

Hi-G Drying Shaker Is Specific Shaker Used In Drilling Waste Management

AIPU Hi-G drying shaker is specific shale shaker used in drilling waste management. It can dewater the waste or cuttings efficiently lead cost cut down also better preparation for further treatment.

Dryig shale shaker brief

The dryer shaker, or dryer, is a linear motion shaker used to minimize the volume of liquid associated with drilled cuttings discharged from the main rig shakers and hydrocyclones. The liquid removed by the dryers is returned to the active system. Dryers were introduced with the closed loop mud systems and environmental efffforts to reduce liquid-waste haul-offff. Two methods, chemical and mechanical, are available to minimize liquid discharge. The chemical method uses a system called a dewatering unit, while the mechanical method takes place through linear motion shakers. These systems may be used separately or together.

The dryer deliquififies drilled cuttings initially separated by another piece of solids-separation equipment. These drilled solids can be the discharge from a main shaker or a bank of hydrocyclones. Dryers recover liquid discharged with solids in normal liquid/solids separation that would have been previously discarded from the mud system. This liquid contains colloidal solids, and the effffect on drilling-flfluid properties must be considered, since dewatering systems are frequently needed to flflocculate, coagulate, and remove these solids.

Principles and applications of drying shaker

A linear motion dryer may be used to remove the excess liquid from the main shaker discharge. The flow rate across a linear motion dryer is substantially smaller than the flow rate across the main shaker. The lower flow rate permits removal of the excess flfluid by the linear motion dryer by using a fifiner screen. The dryer is usually mounted at a lower level than the other solids-separation equipment to use gravity to transport solids to it. Whether by slide or by conveyor, the cuttings dump into a large hopper, located above the screen, that replaces the back tank, or possum belly. As the cuttings convey along the screen, they are again deliquifified. This excess flfluid, with the fifine solids that passed through the screens, is collected in a shallow tank that takes the place of a normal sump. The liquid is pumped to a catch tank that acts as the feed for a centrifuge or back to the active system.

A dryer unit can be used to remove the excess fluid from the under flow of a bank of hydrocyclones (desanders or desilters). This arrangement resembles a mud cleaner system. In this configuration, the dryer unit may be used on either a weighted or an unweighted mud system. The liquid recovered by the linear motion shaker under the hydrocyclones can be processed by a centrifuge, as previously described.

Details of AIPU drying shale shaker

AIPU Hunter series drying shale shaker hold great performance. It saves cost on process or discarding waste. The Hi-G drying shaker contains all good features of Aipu shale shaker. It is installed vibrator motor with stronger vibration force. It will bring us better separation and drying result. All cuttings discharged will be more drier. It will save much more cost for users. It’s optimal solution for drilling waste management.

For drying shaker, we can provide different types of shaker screen. Such as the S.S wire mesh screen, the S.S wire wedge screen panel, the polyurethane screens. Just contact us freely for any special demand.